


Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR received his State Doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering from the National School of Engineers of Tunis-Tunisia, in 1996 and his PhD (Doctoral degree) in Automatic Control from Higher School of Technical Education in 1987. He is Professor in Automatic Control at the National School of Engineers of Gabes - Tunisia. He is the founder and He was the Head of the Electrical Engineering Department and the Director of the High Institute of Technological Studies of Gabes. Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR is the Head of the Research Laboratory of Numerical Control of Industrial Processes and he is the founder and the honorary President of the Tunisian Association of Automatic Control and Digitalization. His research is on Identification, Multimodel & Multicontrol approaches, Neural Networks, Observers, Diagnosis, Sliding mode control, Numerical Control and Fuzzy supervision. He is the co-author of a book on Identification and Numerical Control of Industrial Processes and he is the author of more than 400 publications. Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR participated in the organization of many Conferences and he was member of some scientific committees of congresses

Liste des publications (Les cinq dernières années)

Les journaux

ID Article
1 Farhat Yassin,ATIG Asma,Zribi Ali,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Neural emulator for nonlinear systems based on PSO algorithm: real-time validation". Cluster Computing, Issue 4, 2024. (Impact Factor 3.6)
2 Tahri Fida,BEN ATIA Samah ,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Fault detection based on a residual intervals multigenerator for nonlinear systems". Journal of Vibration and Control, 2024. (Impact Factor 2.3)
3 ELGHOUL Khouloud,Khadija Dehri,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A Discrete Second Order Sliding Mode Multiobserver Based on Multimodel Approach". Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Volume 18, pages 3143–3155, 2023, (Impact Factor 1.6).
4 Khadija Dehri,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A Discrete Output Feedback 2-SMC using LMI and adaptive switching gain approaches: Real Application on a chemical Reactor". Journal of Vibration and Control, 2022 , (Impact Factor 3.09).
5 Farhat Yassin,ATIG Asma,Zribi Ali,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A Neural Multicontroller For Strongly Nonlinear Systems". International Journal of Systems Science, 2022, (Impact Factor 2.28).
6 Farhat Yassin,Zribi Ali,ATIG Asma,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Enhancement neural control scheme performance using PSO adaptive rate: Experimentation on a transesterification reactor". Journal of Vibration and Control, 2022 , (Impact Factor 3.09).
7 Tahri Fida,BEN ATIA Samah ,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "An Interval Multiobserver for Nonlinear Systems subject to Internal and External Disturbances: Real Time Experimental Validation". Journal of Process Control, 2022, (Impact Factor 3.95).
8 Montacer Nesrine,BEN ATIA Samah ,Khadija Dehri,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Fault detection using sliding mode multiobserver for nonlinear systems: Validation on a real chemical process". Journal of Vibration and Control, (Impact Factor 3.09).
9 Khadija Dehri,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A discrete repetitive sliding mode multicontrol for non-linear systems". International Journal of Systems Science , 2021, (Impact Factor : 2.14).
10 Rhili Fatma Ezzahra,ATIG Asma,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Stability analysis of adaptive control using fuzzy adapting rate neural emulator: Experimental validation on a thermal process ". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2021, (Impact Factor 1.1).
11 Farhat Yassin,Rhili Fatma Ezzahra,ATIG Asma,Zribi Ali,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Stability analysis strategy for the adaptive neural control system: A practical validation via a transesterification reactor ". Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, 2021, (Impact factor: 1.37).
12 MEJDI Sondess ,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Fault tolerant multicontrollers for nonlinear systems: a real validation on a chemical process ". International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS), Vol. 30, No. 1, 2020. (Impact Factor: 1.50)
13 ATIG Asma,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A Multi-Objective Criterion and Stability Analysis for Neural Adaptive Control of Nonlinear MIMO Systems: An experimental validation". International Journal of Automation and Control, 2020, (Indexé Scopus) .
14 Montacer Nesrine,BEN ATIA Samah ,Khadija Dehri,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Sliding Mode Multiobserver for Time-Varying Delay Nonlinear Systems Based on Discrete Uncoupled Multimodel". Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Vol. 40, p. 626–647, 2020. ( Impact factor: 1.68).
15 Anis Messaoud,BEN ATIA Samah ,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "An unknown input multiobserver based on a discrete uncoupled multimodel for uncertain nonlinear systems: Experimental validation on a transesterification reactor". ISA Transactions, Vol.93, 302–311. 2019.. (Impact Factor: 4.34)
16 Rhili Fatma Ezzahra,ATIG Asma,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Fuzzy adapting rate for a neural emulator of nonlinear systems: real application on a chemical process". Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol 41, Issue 8, 2019.. (Impact Factor: 1.95)
17 Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "An Experimental Validation of a New Method for Multimodel Identification". Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 140, 2018.. (Impact Factor: 1.46)
18 BEN ATIA Samah ,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "An online identification algorithm of unknown time-varying delay and internal multimodel control for discrete non-linear systems". Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems Methods, Volume 24- Issue 1, 2018. (Impact Factor: 0.86)
19 Montacer Nesrine,Khadija Dehri,BEN ATIA Samah ,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A sliding mode multiobserver based on an uncoupled multimodel: an application on a transesterification reaction". Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 1–17, January 2018.. (Impact Factor: 2)
20 MEJDI Sondess ,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A robust unknown input multiobserver against disturbances for nonlinear systems: Experimental results on a batch esterification process". International Journal of Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control & Computer engineering, Volume 11, N°1, pp. 2149-2155, June 2018.
21 BEN ATIA Samah ,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Robust multiobserver design for discrete uncertain nonlinear systems with time-varying delay". Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol 40, Issue 1, 2018. (Impact Factor: 1.95)
22 Mouhib Allaoui,Anis Messaoud,Khadija Dehri,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Multimodel repetitive predictive control of nonlinear systems: rejection of unknown nonstationary sinusoidal disturbances". International Journal of Control,, July 2016. (Impact Factor: 1.880).
23 Mouhib Allaoui,Anis Messaoud,Khadija Dehri,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Supervised multi-rejector of periodic disturbances for nonlinear systems using decoupled state multimodel". Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 1000–1009, May 2016. (Impact Factor: 1.407).

Les Conférences

ID Article
1 ELGHOUL Khouloud,Khadija Dehri,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A Fault Tolerant Second Order Sliding Mode Control". IEEE 11th International Conference on Systems and Control, 2023.
2 Tahri Fida,BEN ATIA Samah ,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A Robust Sensor Fault Detection Based on Residual Intervals Generator". IEEE 11th International Conference on Systems and Control, 2023.
3 MEJDI Sondess ,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "An uncoupled state multiobserver based fault tolerant multicontrollers for nonlinear systems". 9th International Conference on Systems and Control, Caen, 2021.
4 Tahri Fida,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A discrete interval observer for linear system: Application on a real process". The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication (SCC 2021), 2021.
5 Farhat Yassin,ATIG Asma,Zribi Ali,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A Learning Rate For MIMO Nonlinear System Emulation". The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication (SCC 2021), 2021.
6 ELGHOUL Khouloud,Khadija Dehri,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A discrete second order sliding mode observer based on LMIs approach". The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication (SCC 2021), 2021.
7 Rhili Fatma Ezzahra,ATIG Asma,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A novel approach for neural controller adapting rate: Application to MIMO nonlinear processes". International multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, SSD’21, Monastir, Tunisia, 2021.
8 Farhat Yassin,ATIG Asma,Zribi Ali,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A New Learning Rate Tuning For Nonlinear System Emulation". 20th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA), 2020..
9 MEJDI Sondess ,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Fault diagnosis for disturbed nonlinear systems based on robust discrete uncoupled state multiobservers". 20th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA), 2020.
10 MEJDI Sondess ,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Sensor fault tolerant controller for nonlinear systems based on an uncoupled state multiobserver". International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies , IC_ASET’2019, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2019..
11 Montacer Nesrine,BEN ATIA Samah ,Khadija Dehri,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A Sliding Mode Observer Design for Discrete Delayed Output Systems". International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies , IC_ASET’2019, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2019..
12 Rhili Fatma Ezzahra,ATIG Asma,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Adaptive neural control using fuzzy adaptive parameter for nonlinear processes". International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies , IC_ASET’2019, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2019..
13 Rhili Fatma Ezzahra,ATIG Asma,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Fuzzy supervisor for neural emulation of MIMO nonlinear processes". 19th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA), 2019..
14 MEJDI Sondess ,Anis Messaoud,Mouhib Allaoui,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Robust Detection and Isolation of Sensor faults for Disturbed Nonlinear Systems". International multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, SSD’18, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2018..
15 Montacer Nesrine,BEN ATIA Samah ,Khadija Dehri,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A Discrete Sliding Mode Observer for Multivariable Systems Using LMI Approach". International multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, SSD’18, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2018..
16 Rhili Fatma Ezzahra,ATIG Asma,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "A New Strategy for Neural Emulator Learning Rate Tuning". International multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, SSD’18, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2018..
17 BEN ATIA Samah ,Anis Messaoud,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR, "Internal Multimodel Control for Discrete Nonlinear Systems with Time-Delay". 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) June 21-24, 2016.
18 I. Bouraoui,M. Farza,T. Ménarda,Ridha BEN ABDENNOUR,M. M’Saada, "On-line estimation of the reaction rates from sampled measurements in bioreactors". 11th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, June 6-8, 2016.

Les Chapitres

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